Now with 10 arrondissements below the
10 000€ per square meter mark, including 5 arrondissements below the 9,000€ mark, it is (even more) the best time to buy in Paris.
In my December 8, 2023 article Unlocking Opportunities: Paris Real Estate Prices Dip - Your Time to Shine as a Buyer!, I highlighted the ongoing drop in Paris property prices, with 8 arrondissements falling below the 10,000€ per square meter mark.
That favorable trend persisted in January 2024, with a 0.3% drop and 9 arrondissements below the 10,000€ per square meter mark,
As of October 1, 2024, the average property price in Paris is 9279€ per square meter. Price have a dropped by 0,2% compared to a month ago.
🥐 What about loans?
Banks continue to be more inclined to grant loans, and mortgage interest rates have continued to drop since the beginning of 2024. Currently interest rates are around 3% for French residents and 4% for non-residents.
To conclude: With dropping Paris property purchase prices and lower interest rates, this is the right time to seize the moment and realize your dream of buying property in your favorite arrondissement!
Happy property hunting, and may your French real estate journey be as smooth as a buttery croissant! 🥐 🇫🇷
As always, I love to read your comments and answer your questions.

Tomette Paris® is a Registered Trademark in France. INPI certificate number 24 5023079 dated 21 January, 2024.